But it had to get to them somehow. The odds of any of the works served at the party doing him any harm were pretty slim. Without saying, again, that they despised foreigners, enemies, the defeated, all those without saliva in their ears. They said the “lab” certainly doesn’t have the warmth of the indicating thalamus ( how many branches!). They achieved to be able to prolong the firmness, killing the hesitation, inevitable non-interruption of the generative process that morally, they, do not diversify from abortion. I remember very well that we were leaning against the walls. I remember very well an opinion degenerated into certainty. I remember very well that we thought of Renan who told us, “We live on the scent of an empty vase.” I remember very well a very human, very understandable attitude. So much smiling that all the vases we had with us shattered. I remember very well that they all looked sick, but I think they were. No oblivion. Marriage of children with the unknown donor or with joint-appreciation of the close director: every lie deserves a reward. I remember our smell very well, that yellow smell of not expecting anything anymore.
Life is the dark unresolvable jumble, the mysterious and chaotic bundle of incomprehensible sensations, all tied and mixed together. Demons keep occurring behind, throughout and beyond the objects of the so-called “real world”; they invite the eyes and all the other senses to further proceed, to go into the realm of exceedance they give way to, to discover the inner nature of appearance. They are the faces of that terror implied in the direct sensorial approach to reality, in the full experience of the world surrounding us. They’re expressions of the trauma, the bolt shaking and ravaging the ground of ordinary perception, exceeding it, paving the way to an unprecedented and unknown dimension we’re given access to: infinite, unresolvable, incomprehensible. The grotesque and violent element they often exhibit is mostly linked to an expressive characteristic which is typical of the sensations of terror and anguish one can encounter being participant of an over-whelming experience, one that can submerge and overflow the senses, abruptly throwing them into a state of irreversible and unstoppable chaos. This makes the consciousness feel as if it was part of something incredibly bigger than itself, enormously more complex, profound and alive than what it’s capable of understanding.
To see more work by Luca Baioni, visit - Website / Instagram
But it had to get to them somehow. The odds of any of the works served at the party doing him any harm were pretty slim. Without saying, again, that they despised foreigners, enemies, the defeated, all those without saliva in their ears. They said the “lab” certainly doesn’t have the warmth of the indicating thalamus ( how many branches!). They achieved to be able to prolong the firmness, killing the hesitation, inevitable non-interruption of the generative process that morally, they, do not diversify from abortion. I remember very well that we were leaning against the walls. I remember very well an opinion degenerated into certainty. I remember very well that we thought of Renan who told us, “We live on the scent of an empty vase.” I remember very well a very human, very understandable attitude. So much smiling that all the vases we had with us shattered. I remember very well that they all looked sick, but I think they were. No oblivion. Marriage of children with the unknown donor or with joint-appreciation of the close director: every lie deserves a reward. I remember our smell very well, that yellow smell of not expecting anything anymore.
Life is the dark unresolvable jumble, the mysterious and chaotic bundle of incomprehensible sensations, all tied and mixed together. Demons keep occurring behind, throughout and beyond the objects of the so-called “real world”; they invite the eyes and all the other senses to further proceed, to go into the realm of exceedance they give way to, to discover the inner nature of appearance. They are the faces of that terror implied in the direct sensorial approach to reality, in the full experience of the world surrounding us. They’re expressions of the trauma, the bolt shaking and ravaging the ground of ordinary perception, exceeding it, paving the way to an unprecedented and unknown dimension we’re given access to: infinite, unresolvable, incomprehensible. The grotesque and violent element they often exhibit is mostly linked to an expressive characteristic which is typical of the sensations of terror and anguish one can encounter being participant of an over-whelming experience, one that can submerge and overflow the senses, abruptly throwing them into a state of irreversible and unstoppable chaos. This makes the consciousness feel as if it was part of something incredibly bigger than itself, enormously more complex, profound and alive than what it’s capable of understanding.
To see more work by Luca Baioni, visit - Website / Instagram